Unitarian Universalism calls us to practice pluralism beyond merely supporting diversity in society. Living love requires us to feel pluralism deeply in our hearts. In February we will focus on inclusion and practice ways to make room in our hearts. This is the second of a two part series. See the UUConnect for the service logon information … Continue reading Making Room in Our Hearts (Part 2)
This phrase contains the most common use of the word “trust” in our society, yet is it true? Join me to explore how this phrase relates to a spiritual practice of trust and love centered living. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on March 2 in the calendar.
Trust is earned. Once there is trust between two people, each must continually work at maintaining this bond. With trust a person can ask another to do the most difficult tasks. This practice of trust develops this bond that is reinforced over time. This is illustrated well in the Gospel of Judas where Jesus of … Continue reading The Practice of Trust: The Story of Jesus and Judas
There is a lot of challenging and conflicting information concerning transgender persons. This has led to a wide variety of actions that are intended to help the public, women, parents of trans youth and transgender persons, etc. Who do you trust in all this: medical and mental health experts, leaders from many organized religions, parents … Continue reading Faith, Facts and Transgender Persons – Who Ya Gonna Trust?
As trust in our society and its institutions rapidly diminish, we increasingly turn inwards to our Fellowship for trusting relationships and support. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on March 23 in the calendar.