Being Present to Hope

Bring a bell to our annual service of “Carols, Candles, and Cookies” where we rekindle a spiritual presence of hope through Earth and Christian based rituals. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on December 22 in the calendar.

5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

Join us at GBAUUF for our Fifth Sunday potluck and a presentation from NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Health. The darkest part of the year can be extra difficult for people facing mental health hurdles. Come and learn more about how the Brown County chapter of NAMI helps people in our community navigate these … Continue reading 5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

The Story of American Democracy

The re-election of Donald Trump on an anti-immigrant, anti-“woke” platform has a lot of Americans asking who we are as a nation. Jon Shelton, professor of democracy and justice studies, argues that while many working class Americans are angry right now, nothing has fundamentally changed about the nature of democracy. The real story of American … Continue reading The Story of American Democracy

Letting Go

When we clutch to old hurts, it’s easy to let anger and resentment narrate our life story. Choosing to let go of parts of our stories that no longer serve us can be healing. Choosing to forgive can be healing. What might happen if we decide to choose another outcome for our story? See the UUConnect for … Continue reading Letting Go

Good Story Telling and Receiving – A Spiritual Practice

We cherish our Fellowship connections, which are usually built via stories. To do this well requires vulnerability and skill – a spiritual practice always worth improving. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on January 26 in the calendar.