Nurturing Ourselves Through Ritual: Thoughts About Fat Bear Week

An exploration of how we can create rituals for ourselves that help us connect with the beauty that is at once within and beyond our own bodies. Nathan will share some thoughts about his personal ritual practices and invite individuals to think about their own ideas and beliefs around what it means for something to be ritualized, and how those rituals might better help us find fulfillment and meaning.

Nathan Knutson is a member of the Green Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and as well as a current member of the board. He is undertaking his first year of seminary at Harvard Divinity School and aspires to be a Unitarian Universalist chaplain.

See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on May 15 in the calendar.

RE Focus: Honoring How We Share Ourselves
This session is about how one of the ways to nurture beauty is by sharing it. More specifically how when we share of ourselves it is a beautiful thing and something that should be helped up and honored.