Archives: Services

No Service Today

Due to the Labor Day holiday, we will not have a service this Sunday.

Pet Blessing

Join us for another GBAUUF favorite as we recognize our animal companions this Sunday. You are invited to bring one or more pets (on a leash or in a carrier) to the ceremony. This year we will also have a slide show to honor pets we have lost. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or … Continue reading Pet Blessing

Concert by Recorders by the Bay

We’re foregoing our traditional service format this Sunday to make way for a concert by the Recorders by the Bay. Formed in1998, this recorder ensemble plays primarily medieval and Renaissance music using instruments popular in that time. The group is currently in preparation for a Lifelong Learning Institute program to be presented in September. It’s … Continue reading Concert by Recorders by the Bay

What If I Only Had 30 Days to Love?

This video message from spiritual leaders throughout the Unitarian Universalist family challenges us to consider how we might see ourselves as loving beings if we imagined we only had 30 days to fill our selves, our homes, our communities, and our world with love. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on July 21 … Continue reading What If I Only Had 30 Days to Love?

Senior Steal

In indigenous cultures, elders are revered for the wealth of knowledge and experience that has been passed down for generations. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate some of the elders in our fellowship and learn from their wisdom. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on July 14 in the calendar.

Actively Seeking Awe

We have all experienced awe in our life. We know it when it happens. It is a miraculous feeling that takes our breath away and makes us feel connected to everything around us. Join us as we explore ways to enrich our lives, our connection to others and our world by actively seeking awe. See … Continue reading Actively Seeking Awe

5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

JOSHUA is an interfaith organization that envisions a fair and equitable future where everyone is an active participant in building a strong and healthy community. JOSHUA inspires and equips people to work on systemic justice issues. Sara Williams, JOSHUA Organizer will be our guest speaker to talk about how JOSHUA is living its mission and … Continue reading 5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck