Scrip now known as RaiseRight is an easy way to earn money for our fellowship every time you do your shopping. Instead of using cash or credit cards to pay for your purchases, you use Scrip! You pay the face value, but a discount of 2-20% of the face value is rebated to our Fellowship.
How does it work?
Scrip Coordinator – You can purchase physical Scrip cards from our Scrip Coordinator before or after Sunday services or by phone or email or anytime you are unable to attend services. Cards that we carry in stock can be given to you immediately on Sunday morning, or you can place an order through the Scrip Coordinator. In special circumstances, we can make arrangements to deliver the cards to you.
Because, shipping charges and other fees may reduce rebates earned by our fellowship, purchasing physical cards through the Scrip Coordinator is recommended. Purchasing physical cards online should only be used for orders greater than $500 or only if your discount exceeds the shipping cost of your purchase (generally about $8.50) plus fees. The Scrip Coordinator will verify this when your order is released. See more about online ordering below.
Purchasing Online – Purchasing online is a good option if you have a large order (more than $500) or you want to order from a retailer that we don’t carry in stock. SCRIP is available from over 750 vendors, many of which offer large rebates. In many cases you have a choice of either purchasing a physical card, or an eCard which can be downloaded to RaiseRight, the mobile app, and accessed from your smartphone. Not all vendors offer eCards. Click here to see the current list of more than 400 eGift card retailers.
It’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3!
- Register your family. You only need to do this once.
- Go to and (depending on your browser), click on “Sign Up” (Chrome) or “Join A Program” (Safari) at the top of the page.
- On the next page, click on “Join an Existing Program” (Chrome). (Note: The “Register” link also appears on this screen in Safari, as does the field to now enter the enrollment code below.)
- Enter the enrollment code AF77ECB59459.
- Complete the Registration Form as requested. You will also be prompted to enter a bank account at this stage. If you choose not to do this step, you will not have the option to pay for Scrip orders using debit. However, you can always add a bank account at a later time (or change bank information) by accessing “Payment Types,” under your “Dashboard” > “Family Functions.”
- Save your username and password to sign in to future sessions. Click on ‘Register’.
- Shop for Scrip!
- Log in and click on “Shop” at the top of the page.
- Browse the card icons to see what’s available, or, if you know the retailer you want, use the search function at the top of the page to go directly to that retailer.
- Click on the icon to select the type of card you want to purchase, i.e. physical gift card, eCard or refill. Not all three options are available for every vendor.
- When you click on your choice, the system will take you to a screen where you can indicate the amount you want to purchase.
- If you have more shopping to do, click on “Back to Browse” at the top of the page and repeat the above step. If you’re through, click on the cart icon at the top of the page.
Note: We recommend that if you are purchasing both physical cards and eCards that you enter these as two separate orders.
Choose your payment method. You can choose three methods: ‘pay with a credit card,’ ‘bank account’ or ‘pay by check’ to Coordinator.
- If you choose pay with a credit card, an additional 2.6% service fee will be added to your bill. If you are buying eCards or refilling a card, you can immediately use Scrip for your shopping. If you are ordering physical card, the Coordinator will review your order and release the shipment of any physical cards included in your order to you.
- If you choose pay with a bank debit, an additional 15 cents service fee will be added to your bill. If you are buying eCards or refilling a card, you can immediately use Scrip for your shopping. If you are ordering physical card, the Coordinator will review your order and release the shipment of any physical cards included in your order to you.
- If you choose to pay by check to the coordinator, make the check payable to GBAUUF. When the check is received and deposited to the Scrip account, she will release your eCard order or coordinate the delivery of physical cards. Please allow 7-10 days to receive your cards. No additional service fees are added.