Archives: Services

The Interdependence of Hope

Carrie Arnold will share stories from nature, the animal world, the realm of spirit, religious traditions, and other cultures that show how we depend on each other for glimpses of hope in a tumultuous world. She is a former chaplain at the Brown County jail, and now is a regular speaker at the Lakeshore UU, … Continue reading The Interdependence of Hope

Less Than Ten Miles Connect Us

Each of our three Fellowships are located within blocks of rivers whose watersheds were once connected by a relatively short canal. Let us consider how this applies to the interdependence of our congregations. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on April 7 in the calendar.

5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

Katina will share with us how we can help our Fellowship simply by buying the things we’ve always bought — using online SCRIP. The presentation will be followed by a potluck. NOT A REGULAR SERVICE; IN-PERSON ONLY.

It’s Butterfly Time Again

The image of the caterpillar’s transformation to a butterfly invites us each spring to ponder our own personal transformation process. How do we support each other to continually grow spiritually and ethically? See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on March 24 in the calendar.

The Work of Transformative Justice of Women Religious

Between November 2023 and November 2024, the national Leadership Conference for Women Religious (LCWR) is engaging in looking at the 2024 US national election campaign through the lens of transformative justice. Tracy Abler, Justice Promoter for the Congregation of Sisters of St Agnes (CSA), will share what women religious (a.k.a. Sisters or Nuns) are doing … Continue reading The Work of Transformative Justice of Women Religious

Composting Our Faith

Unitarian Universalism is called a ‘living tradition” meaning we are not bound by doctrine or the way our ancestors did something. Rather, like composting, we continually break down what we affirm and promote and transform it into what nourishes growth for the season we are entering. This month’s focus on The Gift of Transformation will … Continue reading Composting Our Faith

Just Go Away

Author Matthew Desmond’s insightful book, Poverty by America, reminds us that poverty is by design in our society. We subsidize anyone with wealth and just want the poor to go away. What sacrifice is required to bend the moral arc of the universe towards justice? See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on February … Continue reading Just Go Away

Hiking the Ice Age Trail

The exceptional beauty of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, along with the extraordinary people who make up the trail community, together create a national treasure contained completely in the state of Wisconsin. LuAnn Lonergan will address the UU principle “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part” as … Continue reading Hiking the Ice Age Trail