Speaker: Rev. Karon Sandberg

Actively Seeking Awe

We have all experienced awe in our life. We know it when it happens. It is a miraculous feeling that takes our breath away and makes us feel connected to everything around us. Join us as we explore ways to enrich our lives, our connection … read more.

Rediscovering Enchantment

Enchantment comes easily when we are young but then we seem to pack it up in the suitcases of our youth, rarely to be experienced again. Author Katherine May says that it is still there, waiting patiently for us. How might we rediscover enchantment in … read more.

Letting You Really See Me

Allowing others in to see the real me, the one behind the position, title and facade seems difficult. You may feel this too. We all create facades or wear bits of armor with others, too afraid to show ourselves fully. But research professor, Brene Brown … read more.

Why Do We Need Heroes?

So often when we think of courage we think about heroic people who step up and do something extraordinary. Movies show us all kinds of superheroes who always save the day. Our news feeds show us ordinary folks who step up in times of tragedy. … read more.

What Happens When We Die?

We all want to know, don’t we?  Different faith traditions tell us different things.  The Christian faith says that we will have eternal life with God.  Hindu and Buddhist faiths tell us that we will be reincarnated into another life until we reach enlightenment.  The … read more.

A Time for Patience

Patience:  Oh how we struggle with this concept!  As a young person we are rarely good at being patient, it isn’t in our nature.  We want what we want when we want it. If we don’t get it, we figure out a way to make … read more.

Unpacking Grace

I’ve been wondering about the word Grace lately. What is it? I know I’ve experienced it but where does it come from and who bestows it? Reason tells me it is given by those around me but my heart tells me there is something more … read more.