Speaker: Rev. Jim Coakley

Delight Your Spirit This Summer

Summer’s slower pace offers opportunities to experience things we often can’t find time for during the rest of the year. Unitarian Universalists have always been known to pursue personal summertime spiritual delights because historically many of our congregations took the summer off. Even though we … read more.

Flower Communion

Join us for our annual Flower Communion, a uniquely UU ritual originally created by Unitarian minister Norbert Čapek in 1923 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. It is a celebration of beauty, diversity, and community. Participants are invited to bring a flower, and during the ceremony, choose one … read more.

We Are a People of Creativity

Unitarian Universalists are by nature independent thinkers, seekers of new ideas, and grounded in what some would call “romantic” optimism. Our positive creativity seeks to balance the negativity we often find in our broken world. We have reason to be proud.

See the UUConnect for the service … read more.

The Rights of Nature

Environmentalism has always resisted the dominant cultural view that nature is merely a resource for humans for seemingly unending consumption. The Rights of Nature is a growing global movement to transform Indigenous values into enforceable laws that can protect the planet for all life. This … read more.

Spiritual Resistance

The Christian Easter story of descending into a dark tomb of death and returning to the light of life is a great metaphor for spiritual resistance. As our society seems to be descending into a tomb of fear, anxiety and despair, Unitarian Universalism keeps resisting … read more.

Jesus, Love and the Human Condition

Did the Rabbi Jesus understand the human condition better than anyone until Freud? He preached that love was the greatest commandment, the greatest force in the universe. Modern psychology preaches that it is foundational to a healthy life.

See the UUConnect for the service logon information … read more.