Speaker: Rev. Jim Coakley

The Intentions of Our Justice Superheroes

This Justice Sunday let us reflect on what motivates our justice superheroes. What is it about how they live with intention that makes them so effective?

Children’s RE Focus: It takes accepting mistakes to live with intention because mistakes are part of living. We need to … read more.

Goals versus Intentions

Tis the annual season of hopeful resolve followed quickly by disappointment. Phillip Moffitt, a renowned vipassana (insight) meditation teacher helps us better comprehend the difference between goals and intentions. Ironically, maybe we should be setting new year’s goals to become more intentional?

Children’s RE Focus: It … read more.

The Joy of Carols, Candles, Cookies and Community

Join us for a service filled with the joy that many religious faiths and traditions provide this time of year. Our Fellowship will focus on the Winter Solstice and Christmas which are celebrated the coming week. 

Children’s RE Focus: Intergenerational celebration – No religious exploration class.

See the … read more.

Remaining Open to Joy

Brene Brown reminds us that twinkling holiday lights are a great metaphor for how joy works. We may expect it to come as a flood light, but rather it comes in small seemingly random moments. Remaining open to these moments is the key to being … read more.

The Rest of the Thanksgiving Story

It is essential that we know the final outcome of the first thanksgiving story and the role “God” played in it. It is another historic example of the abuse of religion; this one by our theological ancestors. Holding our history means acknowledging this legacy and … read more.

Overcoming Tribalism

Tribalism is an accurate name for the animosity we are experiencing right now. But instead of accepting it, Robert Wright describes how we can work to overcome it in “How Mindfulness Can Heal the World”. His insight into evolutionary psychology and Buddhism offer us a … read more.

Kissing the Pope’s Ring

Perhaps the greatest sign of covenant with the Roman Catholic Church is the act of kissing the Pope’s ring. It is supposed to be an outward symbol of a deeply felt covenant, yet history has shown that hasn’t always been the case. Although Unitarian Universalists … read more.

Our Cheese is Moving

Spencer Johnson’s popular change management book “Who Moved My Cheese” provides a great parable about how we adapt to change. We can either sit around and hope our old favorite cheese will come back or we can go find a new favorite. The coming program … read more.