Archives: Services

The Spiritual Practice of Repair

Regardless of the outcome of the election, many people will be very disappointed and likely angry. What does repair look and feel like under such circumstances? See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on November 10 in the calendar.

Keep Your Heart Wide Open

As we approach the most important election of our lifetime, we must cleave to the words of the songwriter Leah Morris: You gotta keep your heart wide open though the waves wanna push you around until your faith brings you back to solid ground. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click on November 3 … Continue reading Keep Your Heart Wide Open

Listening For JETPIG

JETPIG is the memorable acronym for our revised Unitarian Universalist values. As the often conflicting rhetoric of the election increases, carefully listen for where our values show up. This is an important way to practice living love centered lives – voting your values and sharing with others. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or click … Continue reading Listening For JETPIG

Why It’s Worth Listening to People You Disagree With

We get stronger, not weaker, by engaging with ideas and people we disagree with, says Zachary Wood. In an important talk about finding common ground, Wood makes the case that we can build empathy and gain understanding by engaging tactfully and thoughtfully with controversial ideas and unfamiliar perspectives. See the UUConnect for the service logon information or … Continue reading Why It’s Worth Listening to People You Disagree With

Worlds beneath the Words: Practices for Deep Listening

Deep listening is essential for true intimacy — with ourselves, each other, and our world. In our rush to keep up with the pace of modern life, we humans can easily fall into more passive forms of engagement, leading to disconnection and divisiveness. Fortunately, deep listening is a capacity that can be cultivated. Join us … Continue reading Worlds beneath the Words: Practices for Deep Listening

5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

Beth Hudak is a community-focused leader with a history of developing equitable, collaborative, and innovative approaches to driving positive community impact. She is the Director of Community Engagement at House of Hope, providing emergency shelter, housing stability programming, and additional supportive services to youth and families with children experiencing homelessness in the greater Green Bay … Continue reading 5th Sunday Presentation + Potluck

Having Dinner with Tax Collectors and Sinners

Early Christianity was founded on a practice of invitation that was based on total inclusivity. Members included women, men, slaves, free people, the rich, the poor, Gentiles and Jews. What has changed to the message of Jesus of Nazareth? When anyone looks to join any current Christian denominations, there are qualifications to adhere to before … Continue reading Having Dinner with Tax Collectors and Sinners